Estate Issues in Orphan's Court
The name is misleading. Orphans’ Court does not deal with orphans. Orphans’ Court resolves disputes regarding wills, trusts, powers of attorney and the rights of incapacitated persons. Mr. Vogin is an experienced litigator in these matters. He has represented the rights of incapacitated persons and served as a Guardian Ad Litem. Let Mr. Vogin and Klein, Vogin & Gold represent you or your loved ones in these matters.
Depriving an individual of their independence and liberties is always a troubling issue. Whether a petition is filed by a family member or third party, such as a nursing home, the individual is entitled to representation, to be heard and have his/her rights protected. Families sometimes have no choice but to seek guardianship when an individual is a danger to themselves and is no longer able to provide for his or her daily needs. Or, more troubling, sometimes family members are merely trying to gain control of the assets. Regardless, Mr. Vogin is the attorney who will protect the rights and property of your loved one.
Mr. Vogin settled an estate which had existed for over 25 years. Opposing party was claiming fraud by Mr. Vogin's client, which he was able to persuade the Court was meaningless.
Mr. Vogin has successfully limited the appointment of a guardian for an alleged incapacitated person.
On behalf of a minor, Mr. Vogin has successfully negotiated a settlement of a claim against the minor's medical malpractice settlement.
Mr. Vogin settled a fraudulent transfer matter, where a buyer of real estate alleged purchased the property from the decedent, several years after his death.
A Power of Attorney can lead to arguments over rights, duties and compensation. When you need someone to protect your rights, Mr. Vogin is the attorney you need.